Say Cheese! For Recent Reader Livestock Photos

These Say Cheese contenders include cuddly chicks, winsome goats, some super hammy pigs and more, so check out this photo roundup from Hobby Farms readers!

by Hobby Farms HQ
PHOTO: Shad Arnold | Valley Mills, Texas

The editors of Hobby Farms magazine are always on the hunt for great photos of livestock looking good while they say cheese.

In a recent print issue, we ran the best photos submitted by readers. Each one includes the name and city of residence of the person who submitted it.

Upload the very best digital images of your small- farm livestock to or email them directly to hobbyfarms@hobbyfarms.comwith “Say Cheese!” in the subject line. Include your name and address in the body of the email.

We hope to see your photos in an upcoming issue and on our Instagram account!

Ashley Lee | Pensacola, Florida

chicken chicks


Judy Buchanan


Subscribe now


Sheryl Troutman | El Paso, Arkansas

say cheese pig


Lydia Sims | St. Cloud, Florida



Matt Straley | Paulding, Ohio

cat on a cart


Amazing Grace Ranch | New Berlin, Texas

say cheese cow

Janae Duryea | Western New York

say cheese piglet


John Mandra | Brooksville, Florida

say cheese chicken


Jonathan & Pamela Wagner | Stillwater, Pennsylvania

goat kids

This “Say Cheese” gallery originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. 2023 issue of Hobby Farms magazine.

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