Growing Good Podcast #88: Mike Ghia, Maple Sugar & Land for Good

Vermont Farmer Mike Ghia Talks Maple Sugar And The Land for Good Organization.

by Allison Lemons

Learn about Mike’s family’s farming heritage, which came to the U.S. from Italy with his great-grandfather and how Mike grew up with a more diverse farm experience than most of us. Mike’s early start in farming served him well as he studied environmental science in college and went on to do agricultural research and vegetable, dairy sheep and livestock farming.

Land access and farm business planning are the areas Mike became interested in early on. He talks about his and his wife’s journey through finding their own piece of property and how this affected his drive to help others trying to access land. Hear, too, about how Mike came to work with Land for Good and the University of Vermont Extension Farm Viability Program. You’ll definitely want to listen to the top business mistakes that small-scale farmers are making and Mike’s advice to fix those!

Hear about maple syrup experiences that Mike had as a kid that helped to form his fascination with sugaring: one in a sugar house and one at a pancake restaurant. He explains the process of sugaring, which started with Indigenous traditional knowledge. Listen to the sap-harvesting challenges presented from year to year as our weather becomes less predictable. Finally, Mike talks about three pieces of equipment that have made it possible for him to be a “part-time” sugarmaker and some grants that have helped with those purchases.

A note from Mike: Even though I am the main person running the operation, my wife and sons have always been a part of sugaring. In particular, they have always helped tap trees. And since the boys were in middle school, Margo and Elijah and Caleb have actually done most of the tapping. Elijah has even come home from college to help. Margo has also often joined me in the sugarhouse to help with boiling and bottling.

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