Wildlife and Farm Life |
It’s fall: the time of year for hunting.
Deer hunting is one of the most popular, but it can involve many dangers.
This hunting season, review these tips from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service. They will help you stay safe this season:
- Get certified before hunting through a Hunter’s Education course. The course is available online.
- Tell someone where you are hunting and when you expect to be home, especially when hunting alone. Carrying a cell phone is also a good precaution when hunting alone.
- Wearing hunter orange is a MUST at all times–when you’re hunting and when you’re just accompanying another hunter. A hat and vest that covers both the chest and back are required by law. Orange camouflage is illegal.
- Be wary of permanent treestands made from wood. Always check the structural integrity of stands before the hunting season begins. Falling limbs, wind and moisture can weaken the wood and make them unsafe.
- Always wear a safety harness when hunting in a treestand. Each season hunters are injured when they fall asleep and fall off their stand or slip and fall when climbing in or out of the tree. Use a tow rope to pull your rifle up and down from your treestand so your hands are free to climb.
- Don’t trespass, and if you see an unfamiliar hunter on your property, escort them to your property boundary.
- Don’t wave your hands to get another hunter’s attention, always speak loudly in a clear voice.
- The only time your rifle should be loaded is when you are sitting on your stand. Make sure the safety on the rifle is always on. Never cross a fence, ride an ATV or climb to a treestand with a loaded rifle.
For more information on hunting safety, contact your state’s Department of Natural Resources or Department of Conservation.