ASI 2007 Photo Contest

ASI 2007 Photo Contest deadline is September 7. Get your sheep and goats ready for the camera!

by Dani Yokhna

The deadline for the American Sheep Industry Association’s (ASI) 2007 Photo Contest is Sept. 7.

Charlotte shines!The contest is open to all who wish to enter, which means you don’t have to be involved in the U.S. sheep, lamb, wool or goat industries to participate.

The only rule is that your photograph must include sheep or goats.
Entries will be judged on clarity, content, composition and appeal. More than $1,000 will be awarded.

Awards of $125 going to the grand prize winner in each of the four categories listed below; $75 for the first runners-up in each category and a $50 prize for the second runners-up in each of the four categories.
The four categories are: action, scenic, people and sheep/goats, and open category.
For more information, visit or call Amy Trinidad, (303) 771-3500, ext. 55.

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