The tomatoes have finally started pumping out. As I suspected, I’m now literally up to my elbows in beautiful red, orange, yellow, white and purple fruits and have been busy processing them into soup and sauce.
The freezer will be full in no time at all. They are so very delicious and I love taste-testing all the different varieties and have already been thinking about which ones I’ll plant again next year.
I’m growing sweet Armenian cucumbers this year for the first time and they must be quite comfortable here. They’ve managed to climb up the fence and have already produced enough cukes for a batch of Polish dills and one of bread and butters.
I really like them better than the ‘traditional‘ cukes I’ve grown in the past. The seeds are smaller and each fruit is over a foot in length. If I picked them younger I suspect there would be no seeds at all. My mini-cukes (‘Rocky’) haven’t started producing yet but there are tons of flowers.
Yesterday I discovered the first baseball bat zucchini of the season (I have no idea how I missed it!) and am looking forward to a good zucchini bread baking session.
And the winter squash and pumpkin vines have now officially blocked the garden gate. I’ve been ‘redirecting‘ them for a few weeks now but they somehow manage to turn themselves around again and grow right back across the gate.
I would swear that I planted ‘bush‘ varieties of squash, but it sure doesn’t look that way. One of these days I”m going to fish out the seed packet and check. Either way, it looks like a bumper crop is on it’s way as long as I can keep the squash bugs at bay.
The watermelons, too, are looking good, though the vines are a little puny for this time of year. I’m crossing my fingers that they produce something by the end of the season. So far so good!