Have you gotten your green beans into the ground yet? Green beans are prolific producers that can provide you with food for the table for much of the summer—pairing tremendously with farm-raised potatoes and ham or made into any number of side dishes. Green beans, also called pod beans, are categorized into two types: bush beans and pole beans. Here’s what to know about each before you plant.
Bush Beans
Bush beans grow just as the name indicates: in a busy. These varieties take 40 to 60 days to reach maturity, and the plant will continue producing beans throughout the summer as long as you harvest them. However, if you stop harvesting, the bush will stop producing. Account for about 12 to 18 inches of space per bush when siting them in your garden.
Pole Beans
Pole beans take a little bit longer than bush beans to mature—about 60 to 70 days, but they’ll continue producing a harvest all the way until the first frost. One thing to keep in mind about pole beans is that they need a trellis. This can be something as simple as a nearby fence, or you can get creative with items laying around your home or barn to create your own trellises. Hog panels and even crib bottoms can be used.
The type of bean you grow is really a matter of preference. Try a few varieties of each and decide which you like best!