Reasons To Keep Older Hens In Your Flock

Why would you keep older hens who no longer lay eggs? There are a number of reasons, in fact, from brooding abilities to friendship and more!

Shutterclucks: Chickens Editors Choose Reader Photos

In the September/October issue of Chickens magazine, editors chose the best of the flock from submitted reader photos. Enjoy this gallery of beloved backyard chickens!

Flying Feathers: A Few Facts About Chicken Molting

Learn more about molting, the natural process in which a chicken sheds old feathers and grows new ones, by Chickens magazine editors.

Chicken Chat: Building A Flock From Humble Beginnings

After a move to rural Tennessee, Alison Davis and her husband decided to get six layer hens—and their chicken flock just grew from there to include free-ranging chickens and even ducks.

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