Spanish Goats

Some of the Spanish goat's colorful regional names suggest one of their primary uses: they're called "brush goats" and "briar goats" in the Carolinas, "wood goats" in Florida, "Hill goats" in Virginia, and "scrub goats" throughout their original range.

Toggenburg Goats

Toggenburgs are marvelous dairy goats. A Toggenburg doe, GCH Western-Acres Zephyr Rosemary, currently holds the Guinness Book of World Records title for giving 9,110 pounds of milk amounting to nearly 1,140 gallons in 365 days.

American Jacob Sheep

Often described as an "ornamental" sheep, the Jacob sheep can be raised for wool and lean, grass-fed meat.

Barbados Blackbelly Sheep

Barbados Blackbellies are meat breed sheep ideal for low-input, organic, and grass-fed lamb operations.

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