Dani Yokhna February 4, 2011

Homegrown watermelons are as sweet as you can get. Smaller-fruited varieties like Petite Treat and Sugar Baby are good choices for smaller households. Yellow-flesh varieties have a sweet, mellow flavor and are good for gardeners wanting to try something different.


Zucchini, also known as summer squash, comes in many varieties, including the standard long green types and yellow crooknecks. For something different, plant round varieties like Eight Ball or scallopini types for added interest and flavor.


Basil is a member of the mint family and comes in a number of varieties that range in flavor and color. With flavors ranging from sweet to spicy to zesty, this herb is popular for making pesto and seasoning vegetables and fish. It’s native to India and Asia and thought to aid in digestion.

Romaine Lettuce

Lettuce becomes bitter as the weather warms and will bolt (or flower) as the days grow longer. If slugs become a problem, use an iron phosphate bait to control them.

Akhlesh Singh1