The editors of Chickens magazine are always on the lookout for great chicken photos. Each issue contains a selection of the best recent photos submitted by readers called Shutterclucks. Once a year, they choose the best annual shots in a contest known as Best of Cluck. Below are the winning annual photos and honorable mentions for five categories in Best of Cluck as well as the names and cities of residence of the readers who submitted them. The winner in each category received a prize; those are also described. Some submissions also include quotes about the chickens in the photos.
1. Cutest Chick
Winner: Eileen Logiudice of Dover Plains, New York
Honorable Mention: Sue Rocco of Merced, California
“Our newest baby is a Light Brahma just a few hours old.”
Prize: Eileen Logiudice received a Harris Farms 2-hole Nesting Box (approximate value $60) with front and back panels, made from rust-resistant galvanized steel with folded edges and ventilation holes and featuring a hinged perch to allow closing; a quick–filling and easy-cleaning Free Range 10-pound Feeder ($23), made from lightweight and durable plastic, for feeding 15 to 25 birds; and a easy-fill, easy-clean Free Range 31⁄2-gallon Drinker ($23), which can accommodate up to 56 chickens or game birds. Sponsored by Manna Pro and Harris Farms.
2. Best Coop
Winner: Marlene Bates of Westminster, Maryland
“We named our coop the ‘Chicka Lay Inn’ for my granddaughter, who calls Chick-fil-A ‘chick-a-lay.’ This is our first coop, and I wanted to be sure it was not only pretty but safe and draft-free while still ventilated. We are very proud of it!”
Honorable Mention: Alexis Boles of Fountain Run, Kentucky
“My grandpa had a barn built for his horses. He has now passed on, and we don’t keep horses anymore. However, I cleaned up all the stalls and the big run that was in the barn and turned the run into my chicken coop. This picture is the view from the feed room through the nesting boxes.”
Prize: Marlene Bates received $100 worth of Sweet PDZ Products. Sweet PDZ is the pioneering brand and the leading stall, coop and pet-habitat deodorizer on the market today and has been for more than 34 years. All-natural, perfume-free and certified organic (OMRI) granular mineral, it’s pet-, people- and planet-safe. Sweet PDZ neutralizes and captures ammonia and odors through a unique mineral process, makes a great amendment to compost and gardens, and is proudly made in the United States. Sponsored by Sweet PDZ.
3. Best Hen
Winner: Alexis Boles of Fountain Run, Kentucky
Honorable Mention: Lindsay Olsen Blanchard, Idaho
“This is one of my sweet Buff Orpington hens. She wasn’t too sure about this photo shoot!”
Prize: Alexis Boles received a Mini II Eco Manual Turn 10 Egg Incubator (retail value $130), the smallest egg incubator on the market with precise proportional electronic temperature control and fan-assisted air circulation for reliable hatching results of a wide range of species. It comes with a temperature factory preset and external water top-up and offers all-round visibility of hatching eggs, great for beginners or children. Sponsored by Brinsea Products.
4. Best Rooster
Winner: Mary Konczyk of Pahoa, Hawaii
“Bailey is half Ayam Cemani, half Ameracauna and totally gorgeous.”
Honorable Mention: Mary Konczyk of Pahoa, Hawaii
“Shiro is a Silver Duckwing Yokohama. He is a splendid fellow and gets more beautiful every day.”
Prize: Mary Konczyk received $100 worth of Rooster Booster Products, the most trusted name in poultry health for 20 years. Rooster Booster Products enhance and promote good health in all classes of poultry and fowl. They are dedicated to helping your flock achieve peak health and condition and have been thoroughly tested on the farm and in the backyard and show pen. Sponsored by Rooster Booster Products.
5. Best Group
Winner: Natika Peterman of Antrim, New Hampshire
“During this past winter, I had a path up to the coop from the barn and the chickens decided it was really for them. Some of those pictured are Hei Hei, Mrs. Magoo, Elvis, Henny, Wheezy, Foghorn Leghorn, Auntie and Vulture.”
Honorable Mention: Cherie Powell of Livingston, Kentucky
“It was just another cold winter’s day.”
Prize: Natika Peterman received $100 worth of products from Goodwinol, including VetRx and LeGear Pig Swig. VetRx, originally known as STB, has been a trusted name in poultry care for more than 50 years. Whether dealing with hundreds of chickens or two, always have VetRx on hand to keep your birds and yourself breathing easy. Pig Swig Piperazine water wormer can be used on pigs as well as chickens. Sponsored by Goodwinol.
For a chance to have your chicken photos featured in Shutterclucks, email us an image of your bird or birds to chickens@chickensmagazine.com with the subject line Shutterclucks, and include your name and mailing address.
This story originally appeared in the July/August 2018 issue of Chickens magazine.