Hobby Farms Presents: Growing Good brings you part two of the conversation with Colorado farmer Meighen Lovelace. In this episode, Meighen talks about the Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger and John Ikerd’s work in bringing to life a community food utility—like a rural electric cooperative, but for regionally produced food. Learn about zoning, what you need to know about these rules that dictate how you are allowed to use your property, and who you need to know to change the law, whether you farm in the city, suburbs or country.
Then, get a Farm Bill primer! The Farm Bill is that massive piece of national legislation that is renewed every five years and affects pretty much everything that touches your life, from energy to conservation to nutrition to beginning-farmer programs and more. Meighen breaks down the parts of the Farm Bill and flags areas that you as a small-scale farmer should pay attention to. And Meighen and Lisa offer a little pep talk for you to call your legislators and share your Farm Bill wants.
Listen to the end for Meighen’s favorite farm meal. (This is the first time we’ve heard this veggie as a favorite from all of the podcast guests!)
Be sure to listen back to Episode #33 for the first part of Meighan Lovelace’s conversation, including talk about farming in a water-scarce area, year-round farming with the Salvation Army, permaculture forest greenhouses and more.