Farmer Demetra Markis joins Hobby Farms Presents: Growing Good for a chat about her farm, Milleflora Farm, where she and her partner grow medicinal herbs for natural medicine clients and a small vegetable harvest to share with neighbors. Demetra talks about this farming endeavor, as well as sharing about her community grazing efforts, where she and neighbors graze sheep to reduce tall, dry grass that can contribute to wildfires in her home state of California.
Demetra digs into participating in community-level farming, as well as discussing tried-and-true flock protection against predators—all the predators, actually, including mountain lions. And as an experienced community acupuncturist and licensed herbalist, she discusses some of her experience growing medicinal herbs. She also shares the pleasure of enjoying olive oil made from homegrown olives.
Plus, we cover biointensive growing, a particularly helpful technique for areas like California with constraints on land and resources.