Meet the totally black chicken. This rare breed from Indonesia is a total blackout.
Its feathers, skin, tongue, comb, wattle, muscles, bones and even organs are black! The feathers produce a metallic green and purple sheen.
The unique looks of this chicken are due to fibromelanosis, a genetic condition that causes hyperpigmentation.
The unusual-looking breed appears to have come from the Cemani village on the island of Java. Ayam means “chicken” in Indonesian.
As such a rare breed, Ayam Cemani have not yet been approved by the American Poultry Association.
The black chicken is said to be friendly, hardy, low-maintenance and easy to handle.
Mature males weigh 6 pounds, while mature hens weigh 4 pounds.
One thing that isn’t black: its eggs, which are actually cream-colored with a slight pink hue.