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Before growing season officially begins, visit your local garden center to pick up discounted garden supplies and experiment with plant arrangements.
The onslaught of gardening catalogs arriving in the mail can be a welcome reprieve from dreary winter conditions, offering hope for the impending gardening seasons. But along with the promise of spring comes the inevitable amount of garden planting and maintenance chores. In just a few short weeks, growing season on your urban farm could be underway, speeding up the pace in your already busy life. To work more efficiently in the garden, keep in mind three early season shortcuts offered by Gary R. Bachman, horticulturist at Mississippi State University.
1. Learn how to play in the cold, the rain and even the snow.
Go to your favorite garden center even when the weather isn’t perfect. There will be fewer people and shorter lines, and the staff will have more time to answer questions. Check out plants as they arrive for spring planting, and place flowering plants in different arrangements to figure out what you like. Making regular visits to get your gardening supplies and check out the latest gardening products will help you prepare for the upcoming season and save you some money.
2. Buy your gardening items early.
Now is the ideal time to look for great deals in local garden centers and home improvement stores. The product orders for 2011 are already coming in, and any leftovers have to move. Look for end-of-season clearance sales. The best deals will be on potting mix and fertilizers.
3. Talk to neighborhood gardeners.
This is one of the best ways to make your gardening season a little easier. Find out how other gardeners have used plant combinations. If they use something you like, make a note of it and consider how it would work in your garden. Don’t worry about feeling like you are copying someone else’s design idea. Gardeners are some of the most generous people, always willing to share. Everyone has time-saving tips they use to make gardening more enjoyable.
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