As we continue to celebrate Baby Animal Month at Hobby Farms, we couldn’t help but turn to the adorable, lovable piglet as our next featured farm baby. These sweeties garner a lot of attention on the farm—and we’re not going to lie, you might find our editors secretly Googling pictures of piglets during our lunch breaks. (We love piglets!)
Want to share photos of your farm’s piglets and other baby animals? Head over to our Facebook page through the month of April, where we’ll be talking about all things baby livestock.
Courtesy Ariel Waldman/Flickr
Courtesy Mandy Patterson
Courtesy Cameron Nordholm/Flickr
Courtesy Cathy Stanley Erickson/Flickr
Courtesy David Humpohl/Flickr
Courtesy Devon D. Ewart/Flickr
Courtesy Travis B.
Courtesy Diane Bradley/Flickr
Courtesy JP/Flickr
Courtesy Hasegawa Takashi/Flickr
Courtesy Cassie W.
Courtesy Fair Haven Farm
Courtesy @thurlow94/via Instagram
Courtesy @goatladynikki/via Instagram
Courtesy @goatladynikki/via Instagram
Courtesy Michael Kappal/Flickr
Courtesy Madaise/Flickr
Courtesy Kim C.
Courtesy Christi R.
Courtesy Rhonda L.