1. Get some aerobic exercise … In winter, this usually consists of taking the dogs for a 3 to 4 mile fast walk with my friend and her dogs … 2. Do strengthening and stretching exercises … just lifting free weights a few times a week makes a big difference when I shovel manure, or lift sacks of grain. 3. Take time to relax daily. 4. Get up earlier, go to sleep earlier … like farmers are supposed to do! |
How should farm gals and guys take care of themselves?
You spend so much time caring for livestock, gardens and family.
What about taking care of YOU?
What are you doing to make sure you’re staying healthy enough to get all your farm jobs done?
We’re a Pretty Fit Bunch Already
Chances are if you’re doing work around the farm (or your backyard), you’re in pretty good shape already.
We’re not looking for Hollywood makeovers, bikini bods and six-pack abs, or perfect Zen attitudes …
But we could use some advice on what habits you have–or would like to have–to keep your energy and fitness to keep up with your farming activities.
Tell Us How You Do It
As Cherie Langlois says, it’s usually easier to keep promises to yourself if you tell someone about them.
So tell your fellow hobby farmers!
See some of Cherie’s tips at right–and then log in to our message board to add your comments>>
Check out our Online Exclusives for some more activities: build a soil sifter, how-to projects, enjoy Say Cheese! >>