Farming Like a President
February 19, 2013America’s founding fathers provide an example of how to raise livestock as part of a sustainable farming operation.
America’s founding fathers provide an example of how to raise livestock as part of a sustainable farming operation.
Mom took me and Uzzi for a walk the day before yesterday, and we all got ticks. Now Uzzi and I have itchy spots where Mom took them off. Ow!
Mob grazing cattle makes for more efficient forage usage and promotes plant diversity, researchers at Iowa State University find.
Martok the goat explains how rabies can affect your livestock and what you can do to protect them.
The global human population reached 7 billion this month, but world food organizations wonder if livestock production can keep up.
Researchers find a genetic marker on cattle’s chromosome 20 to link pinkeye, foot rot and bovine respiratory disease.
Although now a controlled livestock disease, Brucellosis can cause problems for hobby-farm herds if carried by wildlife.
A few weeks ago, Mom let me blog about sheep trivia from the book she’s writing. People liked it, so here’s some fun facts about cows.
Farmers can help reduce cattle pain during dehorning with a procedure offered by the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Entomologists use catnip oil in pellets to help control stable flies in cattle feedlots.