Breed Profile: The Cochin Chicken Stands Out
May 18, 2023With its fluffy feathers and gentle demeanor, no other breed of chicken has inspired people to own poultry as has the Cochin, a beautiful Asian bird.
With its fluffy feathers and gentle demeanor, no other breed of chicken has inspired people to own poultry as has the Cochin, a beautiful Asian bird.
Do you know this breed? This ancient Japanese chicken with striking tail and distinctly handsome colors and combinations is most often kept as an ornamental breed.
Developed across centuries in Cuba and officially first recognized in 1939, the Cubalaya is a proud, majestic bird that keepers should consider adding!
This rare Mediterranean mystery chicken breed is named for its distinctive comb, and the heritage bird is both fast-maturing and a peerless free-ranger.
These unique heritage chicken breeds range from distinctive to off the wall, and they can be difficult to find. But, for many, they’re worth the time and effort to track down.
If you want to make the step from chicken-keeping hobbyist to breeder, there are some important things you need to keep in mind.
These chicken breeds are excellent foragers, and when allowed to free-range, they’ll do their part to supplement their diet—saving you money on feed.
I have a Rhode Island Red. Is it true they are one of the nicest chicken breeds? And would the roosters likely end up hurting the other hens or baby chicks? —Jansen Fuller
Keep your chickens warm, healthy and productive this winter with these cold-weather guidelines.
Download the rare-chickens chart for a quick reference of breeds listed as Critical on the American Livestock Breed Conservancy Conservation Priority List.