3 Hang-Ups in Moving Chicks Outside

I’m a person who likes to prepare. Research, studying, and compiling information is a joy, and when I took up raising chickens, it was the preparation that convinced me I was ready for the hobby. But no matter how much I prepare, there’s always something I don’t know until I jump in. Usually, it’s something […]

Why You Need to Inspect Your Flock Today

Spending time with your flock, observing behaviors, and inspecting each chicken for injury and illness are important chores to add to the daily or weekly to-do list. You know your flock and its individual personalities best, which makes spotting problems easy. I keep a close eye on my Silver-Laced Wyandotte, Pauline. She’s my heaviest chicken, […]

Circle of Life: It’s Smaller with an Urban Flock

Photo by Rachel Hurd Anger A chicken’s journey around the circle of life can be a short one on any farm, whether rural or urban. Flock members can fall victim to acute illness, unexplained sudden death, human negligence and predators. These devastations can happen before a chicken reaches a ripe old age, despite the fact […]

Kid-Friendly, Animal-Friendly Homegrown Feed

Feeding animals out of the garden during summer is a great way to save a little money on feed, as well as provide the health benefits of natural homegrown fruits and veggies. For our little farm hands, though, it can also mean inadvertently making the animals sick.