Cat Love

When I’m surrounded by horses, chickens, rabbits and the most charming Corgi in the world, it’s easy to take my cats for granted.

Stephanie vs. Mr. Mabel

Photo by Audrey Pavia My friend, Stephanie, and my rooster, Mr. Mabel, have a stormy relationship. Early last week, I got an email from my old friend, Stephanie, who lives in Pittsburgh. Her planned trip to Russia fell through, and she asked if she could come stay with me this week. I was thrilled—I hadn’t […]

Urban Farmers Fight Legal Hurdles

Courtesy Hemera/Thinkstock In attempts to grow foods locally, some urban farmers have violated local laws. While aphids are raiding gardens for a taste of the tomatoes, city officials are conducting raids of their own, handing out fines to urban farmers for breaking the law. Yep, growing tomatoes—or any food crops—is illegal in some municipalities. Certain […]

Baby Jo: Baby No More

I remember the first time I saw her. She was a little gray ball of fuzz, no bigger than a mouse.

Foiled Again

Photo by Audrey Pavia My hens like to lay their eggs where I can’t reach them. Sometimes I feel like there is a conspiracy going on in my barnyard. At the risk of sounding paranoid, I occasionally sense that my critters get together behind my back and try to figure out ways to make my […]

Angry Birds

Last week, I finally upgraded to an iPhone. It didn’t take long for my geek friends to convince me to download a very popular game.

Here Come the Chicks!

Mom is getting excited because it’s baby time on our farm. Our first lambs are due in just three weeks, and next week we’re getting chicks!

The Amazing Olivia

Photo by Audrey Pavia The Amazing Olivia is quite the hunter Most urban farmers aren’t too concerned with rodent control. A mouse in the house is more of a problem for us urban types than a mouse in the grain room for rural farmers. But as my friend Lisa’s dog Olivia showed me, urban farms […]

Under Water

Photo by Audrey Pavia All the heavy rains we’ve been having have made a mess of our stalls. Southern California has a reputation for being sunny and warm nearly all year round. And for the most part, it’s true. So when we have occasional bouts of bad weather and complain about it, we are no […]