Protecting Against Raccoons, A Poultry Super Predator
December 13, 2023Raccoons can be devastating predators if they access a poultry flock, so follow these important guidelines for defending against these common scavengers.
Protect Your Chickens Against These Common Predators
October 26, 2022There are plenty of wild critters eager to make a meal out of your chickens, so get to know common predators and effective deterrents for each.
ID Chicken Predator Problems To Protect Your Flock
October 10, 2022It’s important to know your enemy, and as a chicken-keeper, a big part of predator prevention is identifying the animals trying to hunt your flock for food.
Masked Visitors
October 13, 2010The morning’s peace and quiet is shattered by my (suspected) Coonhound-mix Pippin howl-barking and lunging at the living room window.