4 Cover Crops That Do Double-Duty

Cover cropping is a strategy used by many growers, both large- and small-scale, to improve the soil without the use of chemicals. Cover crops offer your garden many benefits, ranging from reduced erosion and compaction to increased fertility and soil organic matter, and different types of cover crops serve different purposes: Legumes, for example, boost […]

New Terrace

I’m building a planting terrace at the sunniest part of my garden.

5 Tips for Summer Watering

Courtesy iStockphoto/Thinkstock For more effective watering, put the watering can aside and use a drip irrigation system to hydrate your garden crops. To make the job even easier, hook the sytem up to an automatic timer. When the summer sun is sizzling, don’t feel like you have to make the decision of running up a high water bill […]

7 Tips for Container Gardening

Courtesy iStockphoto/Thinkstock Five-gallon buckets work well for container gardens, and fill containers with a potting mix high in organic matter. Even if you don’t have a yard or access to a community-garden plot, you can still harvest a bounty of produce all your own. Planting a container garden is a great option for people who […]


Your Soil Workforce

There’s more in your soil than rotting plant matter—these insects and organisms are helping turn organic matter into a fertile growing medium for your farm.

Washington, D.C., Is Making Electricity And Soil From Human Waste

Associated Press/YouTube Who knew that just by conducting the simple act of flushing your toilet after each use would wind up helping a city power itself? Every flush residents of Washington, DC make takes the sewage to the city’s Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant. The plant recently installed a system that utilizes that waste […]

clay mulch

3 Mulches Perfect For Clay Soil

Clay soil can certainly be a nuisance for the eager gardener. Line up your amendment strategy starting with one of these mulches.

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