Cadwaladr’s Goat

Mom is snuffling and sneezing because she has pollen allergies. Guess what she’s allergic to? The nice oak trees that make our yummy leaves! Because she’s feeling down, Uzzi and I decided to share one of our favorite goat tales with her (and you).

Holy Cow!

A few weeks ago, Mom let me blog about sheep trivia from the book she’s writing. People liked it, so here’s some fun facts about cows.

Getting Shorn

Our sheep were supposed to get shorn today, but it rained last night so now they can’t. They’re relieved and upset at the same time. They don’t like to be caught and rolled into all those weird positions, but they say it’s nice to feel the cool breeze on their skins afterward.

Drex’s Adventure

Last night, my boy Drex (one of Bon Bon’s triplets) came galloping to the dairy-goat barn with a downcast expression on his face. “It’s embarrassing,” he muttered. “What is?” I asked him.

Cheviot Dolls

Have you ever heard of Cheviot Dolls? They’re half Babydoll Southdown and half Miniature or Classic Cheviot. We’re going to get one!

Did Ewe Know?

Mom has been collecting trivia about sheep to go in the book she’s writing. She said I could share some with you. Isn’t this fun!

Here Be Lambs!

Last night, Wren had her babies in one of the stalls attached to the round pen. That’s only a little way from my buck pen, so Uzzi and I got to listen in.

Growing Buckeye Chicks

Our baby Buckeyes are doing fine and growing up fast! They all have feathered wings, and some have tiny tail feathers, too. Buckeyes are big, active chicks, so ours are already trying to hop out of the brooder.

The Chicks are Here!

Our chicks arrived on Friday, and now there are 10 red-and-yellow peeps in the living room. (Their brooder makes a good light for when me ‘n’ Uzzi creep in at night to use the computer.)

Holey Moley!

The soil on our farm is so rocky that it’s hard to garden or even dig a hole, but apparently not for moles—a mole is digging tunnels all over our yard.