Summer is quickly approaching, and with it will undoubtedly come lots of heat and humidity. I find a good headband can keep the hair off your face and neck as you work in the garden or enjoy other summer outdoor activities. Best of all, this easy little accessory takes less than 5 minutes to make, leaving more time for all that summer fun.
What You’ll Need
- old T-shirt or other knit fabric
- scissors
- needle and thread/sewing machine
- measuring tape
Step 1
Measure around your head and cut two 2- to 3-inch-wide strips of fabric in that length.
Step 2
Lay those strips in an X, with one on top of the other.
Step 3
Fold the bottom strip over the top strip, and bring its two ends together. Repeat with the second strip
Step 4
Gather all four ends, and layer them to be sewn together.
Step 5
Once they are sewn, trim excess fabric and flip the raw edge inside. And there you have it: the easiest homemade summer accessory.