We could watch goat kids all day. These two—Princess Leia and Lady Bug—from Sunflower Farm are no exception. Lola, a Chihuahua puppy that is new to the farm, was having trouble making friends. The English Mastiff and Pug that also live there showed no interest, the YouTube description states. Feeling perhaps a little lonely and unsure, “as soon as she saw the goat kids … she warmed right up.”
The trio plays daily, though Princess Leia (the lighter one) is a little friendlier than Lady Bug toward Lola. As the description states, Lady Bug “gets a bit jealous of [Princess Leia and Lola’s] friendship and occasionally head butts the pup away.” Kids! Likely typical behavior for 3-week-old goats and a 9-week-old puppy.
Screenshot via YouTube
Have your goats become friends with your other animals?