Video: Use Manure Compost To Improve Garden Soil

If you get some livestock manure compost from a neighbor or your own animals, the broken-down material can be a big boost to garden soil efficiency and overall structure.

Video: 3 Tips For Keeping Animals Cool In Summer Heat

It's hot out there! Animals can suffer in extreme heat, so follow these three basic tips to keep livestock cool and healthy during a summer heatwave.

Video: Forage Wild Monarda (Beebalm) For Its Many Uses

Monarda fistulosa, or beebalm, grows wild across most of the U.S. and offers a wealth of valuable uses—culinary, medical and beyond.

Video: Cold, Stinky Compost Pile Gets A Makeover

Something went really wrong inside this plastic compost bin, which was too cold and stinky, but we set things right with a simple makeover.

Akhlesh Singh1