Late fall is perfect for removing old nest material from bluebird boxes and performing general maintenance to prepare birdhouses for spring.
Share your herbs with loved ones this holiday season by making DIY herbal gifts. In this video, learn to craft infusions, body care products and fragrances!
When winter weather sets in and the garden dies away, it's time to clean things up, focus on what will remain and (most importantly) get ready for next year's garden!
Save water and reuse old containers with Leon Sloan's wicking tub container garden method. It's easy, inexpensive and efficient—and it really works!
Have you ever wondered what the numbers on a fertilizer bag mean? The answer is pretty important, as is knowing which numbers your soil needs.
Johnsongrass was originally introduced as a forage crop, but noxious tendencies require careful management. In this video, we look at some weed-control techniques.
Chili peppers are a favorite crop with an interesting history and range of flavors. Here are some tips for growing and using them in your garden and home.
For some jobs, using a broadcast spreader to seed fields can be ideal, offering good seed-to-soil contact and a quick timeframe to get the job done.
Saving tomato seeds is cost-effective and preserves heirloom qualities from one harvest to the next. Here's how to do it.
Weeds and unwelcome plants are just a part of growing, but you can spot spray this natural, homemade herbicide to kill growth that threatens your garden.